(Originally posted 10-1-2010)
So, here is the deal.
You are looking at my blog and one of 2 things is going through your mind:
1. "Wow! I can't wait to try a few of these activities with my own kids. I feel Awesome!"
2. "Wow. I'm not doing activities like these with my own kids. I feel Lame."
How do I know this?
Because I, too, have experienced both inspiration and discouragement in looking at other moms' blogs.
Therefore, I would like to make a request of you, dear fellow mommy, if I may.....
#1. If you find yourself feeling Awesome, great! Of course it's impossible to try and do every single fun idea that you come across on the internet. But I hope you find something here that might be fun for you and your family!
#2. If you find yourself feeling Lame, I beg you to cut yourself some slack! A friend of mine said something I love in her blog post: Super Mom Disclaimer:
"Doing projects with your kids is NOT what makes someone a good mom! I just happen to find doing crafts with my kids one of my favorite things to do! But many moms don't. That's OKAY. Some of the best moms I know don't enjoy it either. Big deal! They are still amazing moms."
I may be, there is always going to be a mom somewhere in the world who is more anything & everything --- than little ol' me.
And ya know what?
It's OK! Motherhood is not a competition. Good for those moms for doing what they enjoy and doing it well!
And good for ME! -- because I don't have to be like other moms! (I'm not really sure why I ever thought I did. ?) I know I'm a good mom because of one fact only: I love my children.
I hope you will benefit from the ideas I share and have fun with your kids in whatever way you enjoy! And if all else fails, make cookies. :)
Welcome back! I love seeing all of fabulous ideas so I can't wait for you to start posting again :)I loved your Potty Train craft and did a version of it awhile back.
Thank you for this post! I just happened upon your blog and I just really needed to here that... I go to friends blogs far too often and leave them feeling like I just competed in a race. I do a lot with my girls and I still feel like it is never enough compared to what others do... so thank you, thank you for what you wrote. I want to inspire others too... not just "show off"...you know. THank you... i love your ideas and I have left here feeling awesome.
I love your site! I bounce back and forth between the two but realize that if I am here that is half the battle and also, why re-invent the wheel?
I love this disclaimer. I read it, laughed and then sent your page to my sisters because we were all sitting around talking about this very thing. It's great to know everyone does this. :) lol.
I love your blog! Thanks for all the great ideas.
Very well said! I quit reading blogs because they make me feel like a lame mom...even though I know I'm not :) Thanks for keeping it real!! I think I'll keep reading this blog- mom of 4 boys :)
Such a lovely message! I couldn't agree more.
You have a such a terrific blog here - I just love your ideas!
Georgia :)
South Africa
Just came across your blog through Pinterest and just wanted to thank you for your "dear mommy" posting...I needed it at this very moment! I appreciated the reminder!
Thanks for the reminder. I love the ideas on this site!
Well put! I already have moments where I feel inadequate as a mom and my little boy is only 3 months old! Thanks for the reminder - I love him and that is what matters the most :)
HI, just wanted to say I'm super excited I found this blog/site. So many great ideas!! I'll be sharing with every mom I know! Keep up the great work! Thanks!!
Best post i have read on a blog ever. If i had a blog i would copy and paste this to share with everyone (and give you recognition of course). Now, im a crafty mumma, so off to do some of your great ideas. Thanks.
Aww Linda, those are some encouraging words! I just joined your blog. I'll be putting your button on my blog as well. I'm a former teacher so I'm loving seeing all these educational activities! My little man is 9 months and I already can't wait to "craft" with him! Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Thanks for posting. I have a state certified family daycare and I will be following your blog for my daycare. Love It!
hi im sim im newcomer plz help me to start homeschooling to my 2nd half years old son.what is the scedule nd curriculam for him plz help me i will be thank full to u .ur blog is very impressive nd realistic.
Hi! I'm a grandma and teach toddlers (< 2yr) at a preschool. I like your crafts a lot, but I loved to cook with my kids for fun. All three are now capable of feeding themselves and their families with good home cooking. We also had fun learning to clean house! Yes, it is possible to make housework fun, when you do it together. So, just remember when you have chores to do and your three year old is dying to help you: You CAN do it faster and easier without little helpers, but think how great it will be when they are helping with the vacuuming and the cooking and the dishes and the... when they are big enough to really help. Enjoy your kids. Before you know it, you will be a grandma, too.
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